Last updated on October 28, 2022
Peter is a “photographic observer” who is now living in Australia. Today’s collection of photographs from Peter are of some very interesting Bits and Pieces of photos that he has taken here in the US and in Australia. I like that we get to see how Peter shares his views of the hobby here in the US and in Australia. Remember that some of Peter’s photos are of automotive coincidences.
Missed opportunity!!! Peter was in a car yard in Brisbane, Australia in the late 80’s when he spotted this car. He does not remember what the asking price was, but he knew that this car was very special. In Peter’s usual occurrences of coincidences he saw the car at a later date tucked away in a different location and photographed it again.
The car a Toyota 2000GT. The sports car wasn’t necessarily known for it’s performance, but what truly made the 2000GT so desirable was the stylish body, with a longnose that resembled the Jaguar E-type. There were only 351 of the 2000GT’s that were sold from 1967 to 1970. The appreciation for the vehicle has grown over time. As a result, they can now sell for over $1 million dollars at auction.

Peter took these photo’s that show how time takes it’s toll with some and with others make a resurection back to the streets. The 1954 Ford wagon was near North Maria Ave in Redondo Beach, CA. These photos are seen in the late 1990s and then again about 5 years later in the same location. The Blythe ambulance in Blythe was complete in 1989, but by the mid 1990s in complete ruin. Later a warehouse had been built on this same location. Blythe had the best and biggest salvage yards for all vehicle finds. Peter was lucky enough to photograph them.

Peter’s neighbours had a group garage sale and some interesting cars just happened cruise by during the sale, but they did not stop! The first looks to be a 1929 Chevrolet Roadster with a 6 Cylinder powering it. Earlier in the day the Citroën DS and the Ford pickup were just out cruising. I don’t know what the gross profit of the garage sale was but the vehicles cruising thru was on the plus side.

In all Peter’s travels in the 1990s he only found two Ford Ranchros, both of them in Blythe, CA. A 1957 and a 1958 and both of them in one salvage yard. In the same time period in Australia the salvage yards had all makes of ute’s and still could be found in the old yards. It is different now with almost a total disappearance of salvage yards.

Thanks Peter for sharing your photos, stories, and your coincidences. Thanks for riding along. Frank