Last updated on September 5, 2021
Today’s car is a Dune Buggy done in Orange with White graphics. Our friend Larry Jasmin (T-Bird Larry) found this dune buggy on his walk. And it’s for sale! I had a tough time identifying who manufactured this body. This car might have had a grill at one time. As far as I can find I have narrowed it down to 3 possible manufacturers. Touring T – KAR Manufacturing, Maxi Taxi – Breman Motorsports, or X-0036 – Joe Poty MFG. Co. I am leaning toward the Touring T (aka ’T’ Tub) because of the license plate. Nice example of a dune buggy but, could use some larger tires and period correct after market wheels IMHO. Thanks Larry for this great find!
Thanks for riding along. Frank

As a bonus thanks to Hagerty. What is the difference between synthetic and conventional oil?